
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Spicy Peanut Tofu with Veggies over Brown Rice

Spicy Peanut Tofu with Veggies over Brown Rice

I've been making this dish on a regular basis for about a year now.  We've always had weekly stir frys, but this is the next step up! We love it because it is super filling, contains fried tofu, vegetables, rice, and is just spicy enough to make our mouths really happily excited. Our favorite vegetables to include are carrots, broccoli, and red bell pepper but I tend to use whatever is seasonal and in the fridge.  For instance, last night we had asparagus because there was about 1/2 bunch (last of the season!) from the Farmer's market. There are a few steps to this dish, but none of it is all that hard to do. While tofu is cooking, make the sauce, then wash and chop the first vegetables to be cooked and while tofu and sauce are "marrying" cook the vegetables, layering in newly washed and chopped veggies as you go. Scroll down through the photos for the directions. I hope you try it and enjoy!

I found this recipe in its original form on  I tweaked it a bit, but really the recipe on I Love Vegan blog should get full credit.  Thank you, I Love Vegan, for the inspiration.
 1 pound of tofu cubed


I use coconut oil to fry the tofu.
 This is the chili garlic sauce I buy - Lee Kum Kee brand.  Not organic, though 😕.

 Frying the tofu. Mine always sticks but I am a bit stingy about how much oil I use.

 The delicious yummy spicy peanut sauce! It's rich and robust and just right in terms of spicy.

 Fried tofu dumped into the sauce while vegetables are being cooked.

 Vegetable saute in sesame oil.


For Tofu:
1 pound of tofu cubed
1 tablespoon (or more) coconut oil

For Sauce:
6 - 8 tablespoons Bragg's amino acid (you can use soy sauce)
3 tablespoons toasted sesame oil 
3 tablespoons garlic chili sauce
1 tablespoon siracha
4 tablespoons peanut butter
4 frozen garlic cubes from Trader Joe's - this is equal to 4 cloves minced
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 - 3 tablespoons sesame seeds

For Vegetable Saute:
1 tablespoon sesame oil 
6 - 8 cups chopped vegetables (the more the better - just sayin')

1.  Put rice in rice cooker.
2.  Fry cubed tofu in oil.
3. While tofu is cooking, combine all the ingredients for peanut sauce and whisk it.  Hint - I store peanut butter in the fridge, so I always let it come to room temp or do a quick microwave heat up before adding it in to the sauce for whisking.
4.  Wash and chop vegetables
5.  When tofu is finished cooking, add it to the sauce so it can soak up some of the spicy yummy flavors.
6.  Saute' vegetables in sesame oil.  I start with carrots and sometimes onion and then layer in vegetables on top of that.
7.  When vegetables are cooked add the tofu and sauce.  I like to cover it and let it sit for about 5 - 10 minutes so that the sauce trickles down over all the vegetables.
8.  Serve over brown rice.


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